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Saturday, July 28, 2012

♥ Ontanjoubi Omedetou Hanis Chan ♥

Otanjoubi omedetou
otanjoubi omedetou,
otanjoubi omedetoud

Happy 31st birthday Hanis....
Hope your birthday blossoms Into Lots of dreams come true!! & be filled with sunshine, smile, laughter, love & cheer. Hugs ketat-ketat babe ♥

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Kamsiah yusoff said...

ayu..tergeliat lidah nak nyanyi hepi besday tu heheh

si ngokngek said...

happy birthday hanis..semoga panjang umur murah rezeki

kasihredha said...

ohhh hari ni birthday hanis ye :)

Unknown said...

happy birthday hanis sakura!

eynda said...

Dah baca tulisan kat bawah tu baru tahu atas tu lagu hepi besday hehe... hepi besday utk Hanis :-)

ct kektus said...

besday kak hanis ea hari ni. hehee

Anonymous said...

x pandai plak nak sebut lagu kt atas tu...haahaa

apa pun hepi besday buat fren ayu tu ye...^^

happyichigo♥ said...

ooh happy birthday hanis chan...xoxo from sophie dan dira..
hello ayu, apakhabar? hihi

laskar pelangi said...

wah arini besday kak hanis..=)
happy besday kak hanis...

LuN@_aiDi said...

eerrr curlasstt ler header uolls tuh.
kiut giller gugurl bwk bakul bernaju kebaya tuh.
teruja nokks!

Asrul "iLham" Sany said...

la beliau dh umur 31 ke? nampak muda2 remaja gitu...curlast

FnF Simple Life said...

heppi befday utk hanis. moga terus diberi kesihatan yg baik, tercapai impian dan cita2 ;)

Mishter Izwän said...

yg atas tuh lagu happy beday vesi korea erh.? pape pun happy besday kt hanis

ijayuji said...

Salam ayu!!! otanjyobi omedetou hanis chan! u dah nak balik lerr i jelesss niii sbb ai lama lagi balik huhu...

izz iizza said...

happy birthday..

Soo Hae Daa said...

bday kaknis ke rini?

otanjoubi omedeto kak nis..!!

kak ayu, nk add kak ayu kat intagram...

Hanamiko Sakura said...

huwuu~ sadis tak ingat birthday kak hanis.. yang ingatnya bulan july je.. btw, happy birthday kak hanis ^_^

sitiezahim said...

slamat balik msia ayuuuuuuuuu...hehehe

Hanis MY said...

wahh ada special entry kellas i loike babe...terharu ni lap ayaq mata... thanks coz sudi celebrate bday i ok tak sangka rasa mcm diri ku begitu berharga...

Hanie Dew said...

waahhh..31st nampak macam 21st..feeewwiittt....tanjoubi omedetou!

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