Happy 1st Birthday Mia Arisa

One year ago, at 5:31am, ai heard your sweet cry for the first time.
It was the sweetest sound ai had ever heard. Right then and there my life changed.
One year ago, ai spent the night staring at your precious face, thanking Allah for the greatest blessing.
One year ago, we became a family of four.
On October 3rd , one year ago ai experienced the greatest joy of my life.
It’s amazing to see how much you have changed over the past year.
ai can’t believe how tall you have grown already. You are growing up way too fast. How time flies
You are such a happy girl and have a smile that lights up the room ❤
Ai know you may be too young to remember this day but ai want you know how much you are loved ❤
Happy 1st birthday, my precious daughter.
Ai love you to the moon and back princess
❤Mama, Papa & oniichan ❤

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hepy birthday Mia Arissa, untie doakan Mia jadi anak solehah berjaya dunia akhirat,ameen.. chomelnya amoi jepun ni..
Happy B'day Mia Arissa :)
hepi beday mia arissa, chomel sgt dia...
selamat hari lahir si comel cntik manis..jd anak yg solehah ye..taat kpd ibu bapa, stay cute, stay cheeky, semakin cntik, semakin bijak, berjaya dunia akhirat..
Happy Birthday pretty Princess Mia.
happy bday Mia . kejp je dah besar dah ye kamu. Comel sangattt
Happy Birthday Mia!
Semuga menjadi anak solehah dan berjaya dunia akhirat.
Muah muah you're so cute baby!
Eppi besday mia.. Kiutnya moga membesar jadi anak solehah insyaAllah :)
Happy 1st Birthday Baby Mia....
Happy bday miachan..otanjyobi omedetou..genki yoku ookikunarimasuyouni:)
kak ayu xingat kot saya. kita ada jumpa dulu dekat tokyo embassy. masa tu saya p buat surat beranak baby hehe..kitorang duduk saitama dulu.tapi kami dah balik msia dah 3 tahun lebih dah..
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